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  • Inadequately secured lifting points

    Do you recognise this? Lifting points in logistics, not (correctly) closed because of neglect, hurry or sloppiness in following the safety regulations.
    The removable fences, doors or chains are not closed properly, causing dangerous effects.

  • Variogate Safety Pallet Gate

    Then there is the VARIOGATE (also known as a cantilever gate or safety pallet gate): your best choice in good and safe shielding for lifting points to storeys.
    Ideal to use on mezzanine floors.

  • Safety Pallet Gate System Made To Size

    VARIOGATE systems made to size, can also be delivered. Next to our standard assortment of safety-pallet-gates we are able to design systems for extra wide loads, high or deep loads in almost every industrial situation or logistic surroundings.

10-12 März 2020 Messe Stuttgart

virtual Logimat booth!

Welcome at our virtual Logimat booth!

BREAKING: Please be welcome at our virtual Logimat booth!

Due to the fact that the LogiMAT Fair has been cancelled due to an official injunction (COVID-19) and despite all the problems associated with the coronavirus, we are glad that we can show you our newest VARIOGATE products and Vigil Antislip Elements virtually.

We have extended our range of Swinging arms pivoting VARIOgates with a variant for a load of 2.600 mm height. and also a load depth untill 2.800 mm is not an problem anymore. Besides that we have renewed our VARIOgate 90 and 180. The VARIOgate 180 is available in different standard sizes. 

Please visit www.variogate.com  for more information.

Also Haagh Protection is the exclusive distributor of the premium Vigil Antislip elements for the European market. We offer you a large amount of different sizes and gradations from stock. Please visit www.vigilantislip.eu for more information

For a request or quotation please contact  or by phone +31 (0) 161 22 65 59. 

The next LogiMAT will take place in Stuttgart from March 9th to 11, 2021. We will see you next year! 


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